Track & Trend
SafeQual’s all-in-one healthcare risk management software replaces gaps in tracking and trending on key metrics and goals with robust, customizable reporting on the safety and quality of your healthcare delivery model.

SafeQual replaces the manual use of Excel spreadsheets to track and trend, by providing a standardized model for all care settings which drives real-time reporting at your fingertips.
SafeQual offers customization for your department leaders’ needs to align with your policies and procedures.
Why clients like us…
“With SafeQual we now have built in forms that make reporting easier and it’s important that now everyone involved in the incident are able to contribute to the report.”
“SafeQual makes reporting so much easier, and I appreciate being notified of the progress and final corrective action that is decided on.”
“The entire SafeQual team was very professional, smart, skillful, and easy to work with. The deliverables were complete, on schedule and of good quality. We are very happy with the system and the vendor and look forward to continuing our engagement with new development and modules.”
SafeQual allows departments to capture events for their own use for tracking, trending, and improving quality and performance measures. Data can be maintained at the department level with the ability to escalate for quality management intervention.
- Mortality
- Cardiopulmonary Arrest
- Rapid Response
- Perioperative such as Return to OR, Unplanned Transfer to HLC, Cancel Procedure, etc.
- Women and Children such as Operative Delivery, Pediatric Psychiatric Admission, Shoulder Dystocia, etc.
- Termination of patient-provider relationship
- Customize your quality measures
SafeQual all-in-one software…
All that healthcare risk management teams need to pursue zero patient harm
Is supported through a built-in algorithm that guides leaders to a systems-approach and non-punitive response to adverse events and errors to pursue zero patient harm.
Encourages staff participation, enables departments to collaborate better and promotes adherence to your healthcare system’s safety and quality goals.
Allow seamless workflows, enable automation to increase efficiency, improve data accuracy and boost user productivity by eliminating redundant manual data entry.